uhtred of bebbanburg

He then warned the surviving Danes that, beyond London, the River Thames beloved to Alfred, and it belonged to Uhtred. Danach erpressen sie vom König dessen Schatz und Skorpa tötet diesen ebenfalls. Nachdem er die Wikinger wieder durch Wessex reisen sah, reitet Uhtred nach Winchester, um König Alfred davon zu berichten. Uhtred debated with Aethelhelm and criticized the West Saxons' defensive approach, but, when he told Edward that his father Alfred knew when the time was right to strike, Edward said that his father also knew the time "to say no to Uhtred Ragnarsson". The next day, Thyra came to Beocca's house crying, and she told him that the Saxon man Tidman had insulted her by calling her a "Dane whore". Daraufhin nimmt er den christlichen Namen Aethelstan an und wird zum Adoptivsohn von Alfred dem Großen. Uhtred then demanded 400 silver pieces, which the King agreed to after having his shadow queen Iseult of Cornwall inspect him. After bidding his wife farewell, Uhtred and his men then departed Coccham on horseback, and he was guided to Alton by a refugee, planning to meet with Skade. Uhtred became the ruler of Cookham, where he, his wife, and his children settled into an estate. Offa confessed that he did not know that Aethelwold would ally with the Danes, and he confessed that Aethelwold had sent him to kill Alfred's sword and shield. Sven schlägt er ein Auge aus, wodurch der Junge für immer entstellt sein wird. However, Skorpa betrayed Uhtred, taking all of the treasure and leaving Iseult behind. Die Dänen Ubba und Guthrum einigen sich auch hier, auf weitere Kriegshandlungen zu verzichten. König Alfred will ihn bestrafen und zwingt ihn zum Bußgang vor Gott. He told Uhtred that Aethelflaed was hiding from her husband at the Wincelcumb nunnery, and that Aethelflaed had asked for him; he also mentioned that Aethelwold had come to Dunholm from Aethelred's court. Uhtred then returned to Liscumb with Iseult, worrying Mildrith that he was cheating on her with a pagan; Mildrith also announced that she had baptized their son. Several events in the series are based on events in the life of Uhtred the Bold, such as the siege of Bebbanburg by the Scots and the severed heads on poles. Sven, Kjartan's son, was among the Vikings, and Uhtred struck fear into his heart, convincing him that he had been sent by Odin to smite him and his father. Beocca told Uhtred that he was not there to chide or save him, and that he was also not there for Alfred. Er spioniert die Dänen aus und erfährt dabei, dass diese bereits Opfergaben an die Bäume befestigt haben. Later that day, Alfred visited Uhtred at his hall to discuss Uhtred's summary execution of a three-time thief The merchant Godwine arrived with a delivery axe heads, and Uhtred told him that his men had spotted warriors aboard his ship. ist ein Aldermann aus Northumbrien und Ich-Erzähler in Cornwells Sachsen-Reihe. Er soll bei den bevorstehenden Friedensverhandlungen mit den Dänen als Berater Wessex dienen. They prevented him from escaping, and they then promised to pay him if he helped them. He was shocked to find that Aethelflaed came without guards, and she told him of her plan to bring the Danes to battle at Tettenhall; she also told him that Aethelred was in East Anglia, and that she had to force Edward's hand. Uhtred latre fell from his horse while riding, and he said that Skade was squeezing the life from him. However, Uhtred needed a priest to accompany the monks, so he headed to St. Wilfrid's Church and kidnapped his son, whom Alfred had raised as a priest. Guthred offered the brothers the earldom of Dunholm if they helped him seize the city from Kjartan, and they agreed to join Guthred, although they rejected Uhtred's advice on storming the city rather than besieging it. Uhtred then met with the Skald over dinner, and Eirik, Hastein, Uhtred, Clapa, and Finan went to a gravesite where Bjorn was said to rest; Uhtred had Sihtric hide in the woods and watch to see what happened after the old man returned to the grave. However, the two companions ultimately convinced Uhtred to continue on their quest. Uhtred later spared Sihtric, Kjartan's illegitimate son and the last captive, after he took Halig hostage and demanded to join Uhtred's service. Shortly after, Aethelred was found dead on his deathbed, and, while Uhtred told Aethelflaed that she was now free of her husband's torment, she disagreed, as her daughter would now be treated like a bag of silver. Uhtred and the hostages were to be given beds in the church, and Uhtred also reunited with Brida and Ragnar, who were now together. Uhtred and his men were forced to flee Bebbanburg, and Uhtred lamented the loss of every family member he ever had; he said that Beocca was the only constant, and that, without Beocca, he had no home. Uhtred and Aethelflaed ambushed and killed all but two of the men, and Uhtred captured their leader Offa. He was born of an ancient family who were the Ealdorman of Bamburgh and ruled on the Northumberland Coast. Before Uhtred could leave, he was confronted by the undergarment-clad Ubbe, who challenged him to a fight to the death. As Young Odda was insulting Alfred, Odda the Elder noticed that Alfred was in the audience, and he stabbed his son dead in front of the crowd, disgusted by his treason. That night, Uhtred had his men prepare a shield wall in front of the door, and he then had Osferth open the door. They were pelted with rotten fruit until Alfred ordered the crowd to stop, upon which Aethelwold whispered to Uhtred that he would go first, and that Uhtred owed him. Uhtred commanded the first row of West Saxon soldiers, forming a shield wall and advancing against the enemy; Aethelwold, Halig, and Leofric were by his side. Mildrith followed him, begging him not to leave, as their son was to be baptized; however, Uhtred said that he did not want his son to be baptized, as he did not want his head filled with Christianity. Brida, overhearing this, angrily threw Uhtred's sword from the walls, causing the Saxon army to believe that he was dead. Uhtred then returned to his estate, where he met with Aethelwold. Mildrith took him to his new home of Liscumb, saying that, while the land was good, the buildings were in need of repair. In der zweiten Hälfte des 9. Alfred thanked Uhtred for the victory, but said that he had considered abandoning Uhtred, and that Uhtred owed his thanks to Edward. Uhtred refused to beg for mercy, instead saying that he would never kneel before a king or the Christian God, and he was restrained by armed men, while Alfred ordered that he was to be executed. Odda, der Graf von Devon, verschanzte sich auf einem Hügel, wo es kein Trinkwasser gab. Uhtred and his retinue then left, and, back at camp, they all agreed that they believed the event to be real. Dieser spielt allerdings in der Serie keine Rolle. Days later, Iseult succeeded in curing Alfred's sickly infant, the future King Edward the Elder, with Uhtred convincing him that God could work in many ways, including through pagans like Iseult. Ultimately, Alfred decided to wait for battle, saying that, without his seer, Bloodhair could not decide to do battle. Uhtred, Aethelflaed, and their companions found King Alfred and Aethelred of Mercia's 50 household soldiers confronting Odda in front of his Devonshire fyrd, and Alfred was relieved to see Aethelflaed, whom he sent to the back of the army to guarantee her safety. Leofric, welcher nun dem jungen Odda unterstellt ist, sucht Uhtred später auf und sagt, dass er mit ihm nach Cornwallum reisen soll. Uhtred wird als Kind von Wikingern entführt und wächst als einer der ihren auf. Aethelred decided to return to Mercia, but he warned that he would not fight a losing battle. Uhtred and Brida shared a tender moment when they held hands, and Uhtred reminded her of the past. Wer am Wiki mitarbeiten möchte, findet nützliche Informationen in unserem Community-Portal. Steapa was pleased to hear Uhtred say that there would be no fighting, and he escorted Uhtred to the King. They had a merry night until Uhtred told Brida that he had married and had a child; she suspected that he might be a spy, as Alfred's many provisions for him did not resonate with the fact that he was a hostage. While Skorpa promised to spare Peredur if he gave up the silver's location, Skorpa stabbed him in the heart. Uhtred and his companions encamped at High Wycombe, planning to join the army at Bedanford. König Alfred erkennt nun, dass Uhtred ein geeigneter Berater für die Angelegenheiten ist und bittet ihn, für ein Jahr seinen Dienst zu leisten. Uhtred rode to Ealdorman Odda's camp along the Severn River, where he caused a scene by tackling Odda the Younger, holding a knife to his throat, and asking where his wife and child were, and for an assurance that Young Odda did not touch her. Meanwhile, Eadred secretly sent Brother Trew to meet with Aelfric, who promised to support Guthred with 200 troops against Kjartan in exchange for Uhtred's head. Tatsächlich wurde König Aethelred in der Schlacht von Merton, ebenfalls im Jahr 871, schwer verwundet. That night, they reminisced about their pasts, again being friendly just as they had been decades before. He then rode out with his men, including Osferth, who had recovered from his wounds. Beocca reminded a reluctant Uhtred had sworn to aid her if her husband threatened her, and Beocca told Uhtred that Aethelflaed released Uhtred from the oath. Skorpa then rode into the middle ground and presented Uhtred with the head of his queen Iseult to taunt him, so Uhtred broke from his shield wall, climbed over the Danish shields, and killed Skorpa with a javelin thrown to him by Father Beocca. During his ride, a delirious Uhtred hallucinated about Leofric chastising him for his betrayal. Bloodhair then returned to his base and wanred that Uhtred would not reach Valhalla. In diesem akzeptiert Guthrum die Landesgrenzen des Königreiches Wessex und zieht sich nach East Anglia zurück. He then told her that he had to recover Skade, but Aethelflaed said that Uhtred needed an army. However, Uhtred proceeded to place his shirt over her head and hold her underwater, drowning her. Uhtred and the rest of the company entered the woods, where they found Wulfhere's soldier Halig, who told them that Wulfhere had left without explanation. Beim Friedensvertrag von Wilton, welcher noch im Jahr 871 geschlossen wurde, einigten sich Alfred und Guthrum darauf, dass die Dänen ihre Streitmacht aus Wessex abziehen. Halig then joined the party as they headed through Liscumb and the covered roads towards Odda's estate at Exeter, and the party walked through Liscumb, finding it burned down with its tenants slaughtered. Sie gilt als Befreiung Wessex, nachdem auch das letzte englische Königreich fast an die Dänen gefallen war. Alfred and Odda the Younger voiced concerns that Uhtred could be Guthrum's spy, that he could be setting a trap, and that he was prematurely claiming to be loyal to Wessex, and, when Alfred agreed to the plan, he decided to have Uhtred and Brida imprisoned pending the coming battle's result. However, Finan calmed Young Uhtred when he planned to return to the Church, telling him that Uhtred was merely upset that he had failed to save Young Uhtred during the attack, and then swore to Young Uhtred that his father was a good man who had sacrificed his own personal comfort for the Christian kingdoms, for Bebbanburg, and for his son. With Kjartan and Sven dead (killed by Thyra's hounds), Uhtred left Ragnar in control of Dunholm, as it was on their father's old lands; Ragnar and Brida stayed at the fortress, and Uhtred, a traumatized Thyra (who was being consoled by Beocca), and the rest of the entourage returned to Wessex to tell Alfred of their success. This puts him … It was at the West Saxon camp that Uhtred met King Alfred, intent on asking him about his debts. The slaves were recaptured, and Halig was tied to the prow of the ship, with Sverri forcing Uhtred to row harder in order to make his friend drown quicker and end his suffering. Uhtred sent Pyrlig to Kingsclare to tell Aethelred of the situation, while he and the others headed to Winchester. Die historische Schlacht von Ethandum, heutiges Edington, fand 878 statt. When they arrived at the Danish camp, Hastein greeted Uhtred and informed him that Sigefrid and Erik had moved their fleet to Beamfleot, where they expected Uhtred to join them. Uhtred kicked the king when he said that his gods were a lie, and Uhtred told Alfred to consider his oath broken. However, Hastein had the hostages' throats slit as the abbess continued to deny Aethelflaed's presence, and she ultimately decided to pick up an axe and tell the Vikings that, if they wanted the nuns at the abbey, they could kill her first. After witnessing a game of tug and war between the Saxons and Danes in the fortress, Uhtred and Ragnar were alerted to the arrival of 50 riders. Brida told Uhtred that he could harness Skade's powers, but that he would have to be her man; Uhtred said that he did not want to, so Brida decided to talk to Skade instead. Uhtred decided that they only needed to kill Aelfric for the gates to open, and he returned to Cookham to continue his planning. Uhtred then paid Hastein's his captor to release him. Ubbe demanded Odda's surrender, knowing that his army was weak after reading Storri's runes. He then rejoined his men as Aethelflaed confronted her brother, but, when he came back to Aethelflaed, he discovered that she had been exiled from Wessex by her brother for her insubordination and for putting Mercia before Wessex. Aethelflaed decided to ride at first light, and Uhtred had Stiorra and his lieutenants stay with the children to protect them until the succession crisis was over. Uhtred then told Odda all that he knew about Ubbe, and came up with a plan to defeat him; rather than let the Danes outflank the West Saxos, Uhtred alone would burn the Danish ships and cause the Danes to become disorganized, allowing for the West Saxons to attack. Aethelred then insulted Uhtred for associating with heathens such as his wife, and Uhtred nearly killed Aethelred before Aldhelm calmed him down. Uhtred looked at his home and noticed that his son had been buried, and he realized that Iseult's spell had taken his son's life in exchange for healing Alfred's son Edward. He then took Ealhswith and Stiorra as captives, saying that they were now even for the capture of Cnut's boys. Sable warned Uhtred that Aethelred had sent a pair of monks to retrieve the heart from Bebbanburg, and that the monks would reach Grimesbury by Sunday and Bebbanburg by the day of the Ascension (two weeks from then). However, she ran into Welsh soldiers, who proceeded to take her captive, and Uhtred refused to send her to Valhalla by killing her in a fight. In 866, Osbert's older brother Uhtred was beheaded by invading Vikings under Earl Ragnar, and Osbert was rebaptized as "Uhtred", continuing a family tradition of the oldest son being named Uhtred; he was made his father's new heir. Im Wald nahe Hampton treffen sich er, Uhtred und Brida. Uhtred was the older half-brother of Uhtred and the son of Ealdorman Uhtred.He was killed by Earl Ragnar, and his name and position as heir to Bebbanburg, was given to his younger brother. In Hampton, dem heutigen Southampton, bringt er den Sachsen die Kunst des Schildwalles bei. Hild entered the house to ask Uhtred to speak with Beocca, and Uhtred agreed. Before the other Vikings could harm Uhtred, the rest of the West Saxon army appeared and won the day. Sein Onkel Aelfric und dessen Diener Scallion beobachten die Flucht des Jungen, unternehmen aber nichts. At the last minute, Beocca joined Uhtred, saying that he was fleeing the wrath of Ealhswith, but also that he wanted to ensure that Uhtred was being a good father to his son. Er will deshalb zusammen mit dem Krieger Halig und der Nonne Hild nach Norden reisen, um Thyra zu befreien und den Tod Ragnars zu rächen. They headed to confront Young Odda at his estate, and Leofric and Uhtred entered his hall at Exeter, where they brought him the order by the King to raise the Somerset fyrd and bring it to Egbert's Stone. The procession with Saint Cuthbert's body. Da Uhtred die Schulden seiner Frau mitabtragen muss und scheinbar durch Alfred weder Ruhm noch Gold erfährt, stimmt er Leofrics Plan zu. Als die Verbündeten am Stützpunkt Peredurs ankommen, werden sie von Isolde empfangen. Uhtred formed a rivalry with Ragnar's arrogant cousin Cnut, who called him a "Dane-slayer" and was rude to him. Uhtred eventually cornered Hastein against a tree, and Hastein offered to tell Uhtred who had Aethelwold kill Ragnar. Uhtred's self-pity failed to convince Alfred to spare him his service, and Uhtred took Alfred as a hostage, holding a knife to his throat. He then rode out of town with his bandit gang, and, before entering Cornwall, Leofric realized that Aethelwold had secretly joined the gang; Leofric wanted to kill him to prevent him from being loud-mouthed, but Uhtred remembered that he owned Aethelwold for sparing him the humiliation of the grovelling. Alfred then told Beocca that, since God was on his side, he wished to attack the Danes, but Beocca reminded Alfred that King Burghred of Mercia had already ordered that the Danes be starved out. Uhtred passed out as Brida arrived at the camp, having been told of his arrival. Brida surprised Ragnar by strangling Storri to death, saying that his curse on her had caused her to be barren, and had caused Ragnar's death. However, Uhtred watched Father Pyrlig defeat the Viking warrior Boltan to earn his freedom, and Pyrlig joined Uhtred as he left London. He then taunted Uhtred about Aethelflaed, and, when he asked how she was to bed (and said that she probably squealed like a fat pig), Uhtred got into a fight with him, standing on his neck. Before Sven could kill Uhtred, Ragnar, Hild, and their men arrived and attacked the slavers, slaughtering them. Uhtred later told Finan that his reputation was waning, and he told Finan that he was finished with battles; he then praised Finan's leadership abilities, while saying that he had lost both his lands and his name and was now nothing. Aelfric vereinbart daraufhin ein Treffen mit Ubba, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Dänen. Ein toller Gesprächsstarter - beidseitig bedruckt. They then rode to Egbert's Stone, with Alfred halting the rest of his 400 men before the stone and peering over the hill. Schließlich reiten sie über die Ländergrenze Wessex hinweg, hinein ins Nachbarreich Cornwall, verkleiden sich als Dänen und überfallen britische Siedlungen. Uhtred arrived in Winchester with Iseult to attend the Witenagemot, and King Alfred had the Witan interrupt a priest's proposal to have a royal bridge-building official to move on to the more important case - Cornwall. The man told Uhtred that he would one day become King of Mercia and a King over Kings, and that Sigefrid and Eric were attacking London, before collapsing and apparently dying. Leofric then requested that he be able to fight Uhtred to the death, as he was confident that he would win due to God's favor. Uhtred snuck into the palace with Beocca, dressed as a mkn, and he mused over illustrated pages on Alfred's desk. Uhtred Uhtredson (auch Osbert, Uhtred Ragnarson, Uhtred von Bebbanburg genannt; *857 n. Ultimately, Uhtred convinced the nobles to make her ruler, to Edward's chagrin. Ragnar ist der Mörder von Uhtreds Vater und von seinem Bruder. Uhtred also warmly greeted Thyra, but he said that he would talk with Beocca later. They turn their sights south to Eoferwic, without which there'll be no united Northumbria. Uhtred confronted Guthred at his palace, where he intimidated Guthred into giving him men to attack Dunholm. Hastein's men charged out of the fortress and at Uhtred's men, who formed a circular shield wall; however, Alfred had his men hold their positions in the woods, hoping that his enemies would kill each other. Bernard Cornwell was inspired to write his series The Saxon Stories after learning he was a descendent of Uhtred the Bold, who is the inspiration behind the series protagonist Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Allerdings geschah dies bereits vor der Schlacht auf den Cynuit Hills, welche ebenfalls 878 stattfand. Uhtred was made the slave of Ragnar's blind father Ravn, who used Uhtred as his "eyes", and his new masters took a liking to him. Beocca then took Uhtred to meet Alfred, believing that the experience would be good for him, and Alfred asked Uhtred if he had been a good boy. Dadurch wären diese gestört und könnten keine Schlachtformation einnehmen, wenn die Sachsen angreifen. Brida saved Uhtred from a Dane who tried to kill him, as she also sought vengeance for Ragnar. One day, Alfred brought Uhtred to a meeting with Hastein, who warned them about the Viking earl Sigurd Bloodhair's invasion. Edward was resolved to launch a fire attack on Winchester, but Uhtred warned that this would burn out the heart of Wessex and kill innocents, and he demanded that they negotiate with Sihtric. Uhtred and his brigands riding in Cornwall. Es ist faszinierend, wie Cornwell die «große» historische Geschichte mit der «kleinen» Geschichte, dem dramatischen Lebensweg des Uhtred von Bebbanburg, verbindet. April 871 wird Alfred von Wessex zum Nachfolger und König des Reiches gekürt. Father Hrothweard, aware of Uhtred's feats, praised him and had him welcomed. As for Uhtred, Cornwell constructed his protagonist as a mixture of different Uhtred/Oughtreds throughout that time. Beocca gave Uhtred the documentation to prove that he was the rightful ealdorman of Bebbanburg, and he told Uhtred that he would try to ransom him; Uhtred lied and said that the Danes had been beating him and that he wanted to go home. Dennoch wächst der Junge in Obhut des Dänen auf und beide bauen eine Vater-Sohn-Beziehung zueinander auf. Dabei stellt Uhtred fest, dass Scallion – der Vasall seines Onkels – unter den Mördern ist. Uhtred then found Mildrith and apologized for leaving her to face their son's death alone, and for giving her a life which led to her becoming a nun. They set the Great Hall on fire, killing Ragnar and several other people; only Thyra survived. He was then surprised to see Beocca emerge from a tent to comfort Alfred, and Beocca told Alfred that God had sent him temptations so that he could have the opportunity to resist them. Finan said that he had come to find a woman and to rest, but not to fight against Alfred, and he decided to go outside and drink ale, leaving Uhtred at a table with Brida. Alfred then had the devastated Odda the Elder raise the Somerset fyrd, and he refused to forgive his son. Brida then arrived and saw a ray of light shining on Aethelwold's body, saying that it was a bridge for Ragnar's spirit to head to Valhalla, and Uhtred and Brida briefly embraced before she broke off, remembering that they were on opposite sides of the battle. Uhtred kann aus der Burg entkommen, da sein Halbbruder Ragnar sich vor ihn stellt. Diese Überfälle bringen allerdings nichts ein, da die echten Dänen bereits Britannien geplündert haben. Er schleicht sich dicht genug an ihn heran und tötet den Diener Aelfrics. Da Uhtreds rechtmäßig der Herr der Bebbanburg ist, nennt er sich auch Aldermann Uhtred von Bebbanburg. Uhtred told Aethelflaed that he would be prepared to fight if Aethelred sent men to take Aethelflaed back to him, but Aethelflaed convinced him not to waste lives on their love, and she also told him that his men Finan and Osric would return from their spying mission in Bebbanburg soon. He then invited him and his men to join his Vikings as they camped for the night, offering them meat. After Rypere returned with news, Uhtred headed to Beamfleot and was invited into the Witan by Odda. Dort besucht er den Priester Alewold und zahlt die Schulden zurück, welcher dem Hof in Lyscombe auferlegt wurden. One night, after the Danes returned to Leeds in Yorkshire, Ragnar decided to hold a festival for Thyra's planned wedding, and he convinced Uhtred to meet Brida in the woods with the hope of encouraging them to marry. When Fiske found the head, Uhtred rode out of the woods, masked and on horseback, and he sliced off Fiske's head as Kjartan watched. Uhtred was caught up to by Skade, who told him that they could either be lovers or enemies. Uhtred and Halig were delivered to Sverri, and they became oarsmen aboard a slave vessel. Beocca beat Tidman for insulting his wife, and he then left, although Aethelwold convinced Uhtred to stay and speak with him. Copyright - ScioDoo.de *=Affiliate-Link, Um unsere Webseite für Dich optimal zu gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können, verwenden wir Cookies. Uhtred and Aldhelm then went with Aethelflaed as she met with her brother, and Uhtred informed Edward that there was talk among the ealdormen of Mercia splitting from Wessex. However, Young Odda said that there were several kings in Wessex, claimed that Alfred had betrayed Wessex, and ordered Leofric to execute Uhtred. However, the family noticed that prayer celebrations were being held at the Great Hall, and, when Uhtred saw Father Beocca, Beocca thought that he had died; Uhtred realized that nobody knew that he was at Cynwit, so he decided to find Alfred. Uhtred promised Sihtric that he could convince Edward to negotiate, and he convinced both kings to withdraw their men into shield walls. The pouch was full of Thyra's (Ragnar's) blood, thereby carrying out Storri's steps to ensure that Ragnar left Niflheim and entered Valhalla. Uhtred was raised by the Danish Viking leader Earl Ragnar after being orphaned and captured at the Siege of York as a child. kill the sorcerer without breaking the skin and without shedding one drop of blood, and Brida told him that he would have to do the same with Skade or make her his woman. Edward's survival was taken by Alfred as meaning Wessex's survival, and Alfred was motivated to fight, especially after Wulfhere and Father Beocca arrived with soldiers. After the end of the campaign in East Anglia, the family returned north to quell a Saxon revolt in Northumbria, and, when the group came to Lindisfarne to search for rebellious monks, Uhtred found that the monks had been giving sanctuary to Weland. Convinced that they were marching on the fortress of Wareham as the prelude to a great Danish invasion, Alfred had all of his ealdormen raise their armies and march on Wareham. As Kjartan's retainer Fiske inspected the heads, Kjartan noticed that one was missing, and he asked where Tekil's head was. He then asked for news about Wessex, and Beocca said that Wessex was thriving, as it was fortified against Viking attack, although he and Hild warned Uhtred of the ambitions of Ealdorman Aethelhelm of Wiltshire, Edward's father-in-law. Aethelflaed told Eadith to attend to Aethelred, while Uhtred criticized Eardwulf for his treatment of his sister. The Cornish warriors were slaughtered down to the last man, and Peredur was forced to give up the location of the silver, which was buried in the hole under his throne. Im Jahr 878 stirbt Ubba Lothbrokson bzw. Uhtred, Aethelflaed, and company escaped as Sigefrid killed Erik after an intense duel, and Uhtred and the others mounted horses and rode out of the area as Clapa, wounded in battle, nobly sacrificed himself to hold off the pursuers. Skorpa taunted Uhtred by asking if he knew that his sister Thyra was being raped daily by Sven, and Beocca responded by asking Skorpa if he knew that his mother wished she had kept her legs closed, a deep insult. Ebenfalls in der Schlacht von Merton fiel der Kriegerbischof Heahmund von Sherborne, welcher später als Heiliger verehrt wurde. Alfred then said that Uhtred was free to go anywhere but Wessex, but that Bebbanburg might be distant; Uhtred retorted that England was distant as well, and that the Danes would not leave. As Aethelflaed received the homage of her ealdormen, Edward had his soldiers take over Aylesbury. Uhtred snuck out of Bebbanburg in battle armor and rode to York to rejoin his father, and he arrived just in... Uhtred Ragnarsson. Uhtred later returned to Winchester for the week of Aethelflaed's wedding, and he gave Sihtric permission to marry an alehouse whore. They were released a day later, and Alfred apologized and asked if his apology was enough; Uhtred rudely said that it was not, and that he wanted to be recognized as an Ealdorman. Historisch gesehen, wurde Alfred durch Guthrum ebenfalls im Jahr 878 so stark bedrängt, dass er von seinem Jagdschloss in Chippenham fliehen musste und im Sumpfland von Athelney Unterschlupf fand. Uhtred and Brida then rode to Bebbanburg, where Uhtred threw down Weland's head and Weland's payment at the foot of the city gates in full view of Aelfric and his bowmen, swearing vengeance against his uncle. Uhtred then warned Alfred that the Danes were pursuing him, so Alfred ordered both armies to form a united shield wall. Ultimately, he was forced to have his men arrest and interrogate Uhtred, and Cenric severely beat him in an attempt to discover Aelfwynn's location. Uhtred then killed Guthlac in front of the village, warning the people that they owed all of their loyalty to Aethelflaed. 15.09.2020 - Erkunde Renate Skowronskis Pinnwand „Uhtred von bebbanburg“ auf Pinterest. Uhtred and his men headed to Aethelflaed's estate at Droitwich to rest and recover, and Aethelflaed invited him and his men to make their homes in Mercia. The Mercians formed a shield wall, and Bloodhair led a charge against them. Daraufhin sieht Uhtred seine Erbfolge in Gefahr und lässt seinen jüngeren Sohn Osbert, durch den Priester Beocca, umtaufen. However, their encampment was surrounded by Danes who had been waiting in ambush, and Hastein emerged and greeted Uhtred. Unsatisfied with Cnut's excuse, Brida stabbed him through the chest with his own sword, and Uhtred then taunted Cnut by saying that both of his sons still lived, and that he would never live to see them grow old. Hild was also shocked that Uhtred had replaced Gisela with Skade, and Uhtred said that she had no business as an abbess asking him about who he bedded; Hild felt upset and began to leave, but Uhtred then asked for her help, and she agreed, realizing that Uhtred was back to his original self. Your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat further West, where he, like brothers... To Beamfleot and had to undo the past by destroying Alfred. ) a,. Uhtred headed to the stables beiden Storri, den zauberkundigen Berater Ubbas zu. Did not believe it to be Uhtred 's situation, while he and his men and with,! 50-Man army den Wikinger, wird er von Uhtred die Herausgabe des ganzen Schatzes und mit! 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