the word inspire in the bible

So the Bible is the source of understanding sin, its consequences, and for correcting our behavior. The first two thirds of the Bible are inherited from the Jews and this is called the Old Testament whereas the last third is considered to be written by Christians and is called the New Testament. To lesson the fear of death People can replace the alarm, relying on the sun's rising and falling judgment time. The Bible tells us who God is. Let¡¯s examine this claim: The original preface of the KJV translators clearly stated their aims. When they disobeyed God, they fell away from Him. The Bible is God’s dynamic, powerful, inspired Word to us. People who refuse to grant us their peace are the people we can avoid but lift to God in prayer. Of course when that was written all of what we today consider to be Scripture may not yet have been produced. Substance abuse and emotions can cause us to lose self-control. Verse 15 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. One of our main struggles in life is to gain self-understanding. The Bible tells us that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, present everywhere, and eternal. For Part 1 of this assignment, you will complete this worksheet by reviewing the "The Story of the Bible" "flags" and fulfill each writing requirement. Hum 111: Journal After the establishment of Christianity in the first century, Gospel accounts and letters of apostles were compiled into a Christian Bible, which became known as the New Testament. The Creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview because it is the beginning of all things. THE BIBLE, THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD 7 the cross of Calvary. The word “inspire” has the same root as spirit. However, they were obedient and wrote what He told them even though they may not have understood it. The Bible is our complete guide to salvation, doctrine, and Christian living. But if we can develop true patience, we can be kind, good, and gentle toward others. Theories of Inspiration: 1. (2 Timothy 3:16) Paul, writing in the Greek language, used a word that literally means “God-breathed.” By that, Paul meant that God by means of his holy spirit guided the Bible writers to write only what He wanted them to write. June 28–July 2, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day. When we say that the Bible is inspired we mean that God is its definitive author. To obey the Bible is to obey God. Bible Verses for Inspiration - Scripture quotes are a plentiful source of inspiration. Patience is a gift that comes from the Holy Spirit because it does not come naturally. However, the earth is afflicted with sin. The more the Bible was studied, the more men came to understand which books were truly inspired and which were not, by the clear indications in the books themselves. It’s very easy to make such (somewhat logically circular) claims, and “hindsight is 20/20;” however, there is no way to test or disprove (or, for that matter, prove) them other than by looking at what actually happened in history. God created the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Special pricing for Non-Profits and Churches. The happy result is a book of faith—faith in God as Creator, Preserver, Savior, and Sanctifier of the world. It also has a total of 27 books in it which include four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which talk about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Old Testament has a set of “Thou shalt nots” to tell us what is evil in the eyes of God. 2. In short, God provides everything we need to live. In our life, when people wake up, brush your teeth, wash your face, watching the news and in the office, everything are inseparable with the electricity. The Bible is profitable for doctrine. Note: Much of this article comes from the author’s book, A Systematic Theology for the Twenty-first Century (From an Arminian Perspective). 2 He was with God in the beginning. Humanity is no like god and that they have broken the morality of morals set forth by God. And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers. Population is 1.5 million See more ideas about bible, word of god, words. In order to better understand the nature of God’s Word, we will base our next three days of … To speak the Bible is to speak the words of God. Second Timothy 3:16 notes four areas. Refer to the GCU Academic Writing Guidelines in the Student Success Center. The writers surely did not foresee how far-reaching their writings would extend, and they could not have imagined how many people would be saved and inspired by their writings. The word “inspire” does not mean that God dictated every word that He wanted to be written. The Greek word of spirit is pneuma, which one can translate “wind” or “breath.” Therefore, the word “inspire” means to breathe into; so inspiration means that the Holy Spirit breathes into the recipient. And rightly so, for this is what it claims to be! Pots and baskets for food storage Answer: When people speak of the Bible as inspired, they are referring to the fact that God divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in such a way that what they wrote was the very Word of God. Inspire offers a new way to engage with, meditate on, and respond to Scripture—leading beginning colorers and experienced illustrators to the Prince of Peace.. The Bible is divided into two parts. The Bible itself says in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”(NIV) Did you catch that word “God-breathed”? Fire and use of animal skin for clothing bc of colder climates I believe that a self-portrait reveals a very intimate side of an artist. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible. Submit for Information on Printing & Mailing Services. It is divided into different categories which include; law, history, poetry and prophecy. We can even love our enemies enough to pray for their salvation. We continuously explore our desires, goals, fears, plans, needs…etc. He is the Creator and Provider that we just spoke of, but He miraculously became one of us in the person of the Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible and the Word "Inspire" According to the Random House Dictionary, the word inspire means "to infuse an animating, quickening, or exalting influence into, or to communicate or suggest by a divine influence." This definition indicates, when applied to the scripture, that the stories and writings in the Bible did not come solely from the minds of the respective authors, but rather from a … List 2 differences of Neolithic... ...מִ‍כָּל־הַבְּהֵמָה וּמִ‍כֹּל חַיַּת הַשָּׂדֶה עַל־גְּחֹנְךָ תֵלֵךְ וְעָפָר תֹּאכַל כָּל־יְמֵי חַיֶּיךָ׃ The fact that this Book claims to be the inspired Word of God cannot be denied. Everyone would become brothers and sisters under God, our heavenly Father. The prophecies about the Messiah tell us that Jesus life was foreseen. We believe they are a sufficient and infallibly true rule and guide to salvation and to all Christian worship and service” [The Articles of Faith and Principles of Church Government for Original Free Will Baptists (of the English General Baptist Heritage), 1976 revision 43]. Professor: Amanda Ducksworth However, God’s Word tells us that if we repent, God will forgive our sins, and we can receive eternal life with Him. Yet the hand of God was in the writing. The Bible never uses a word that can properly be translated as “ethics” or “morals.” The Bible uses the term “righteousness.”. We blame others for our sin, including the devil, but we must face the consequences for our sins. Because the Bible is inspired, it serves as the source of help for many areas of the Christian life. The Bible is God’s dynamic, powerful, inspired Word to us. We cannot answer where God came from, because the Bible doesn’t choose to reveal it, but we know that He has always been and always will be. What are the two main sections of the Bible? 1. Remember, the purpose of the written Word is to lead us to the living Word. There are two main sections that make up the bible. Everyone knows electricity is very important for us, the electricity can use in the phone, light, TV, internet and so on, so people can not leave electricity. The Bible also tells us what to do to receive forgiveness for sins: to confess and repent of our sins, and He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)—that means correction. But I do believe that God inspired the whole Bible, composed in the form we have today. The Bible Says Christ Is. Y0779809 The word Bible has been used to denote the sacred scripture of Christian religion. However, we must learn to control our reactions to emotions lest we harm others. The Hebrew Bible, or the Torah comprises the origins of the Israelites and traces the historic account of Israel. Jesus gave three commands that are a perfect guide to righteousness. According to the Random House Dictionary, the word inspire means "to infuse an animating, quickening, or exalting influence into, or to communicate or suggest by a divine influence." Module 1 - Part 1 – Bible Story Worksheet They are: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30–31); and you shall treat other people like you want to be treated (Matthew 7:12). Dictation theory – This theory claims that the writers were simply stenographers. The apostle Paul, for example, states: “We also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers” (1 Thessalonians 2:13). וְאֵיבָה אָשִׁית בֵּינְךָ וּבֵין הָאִשָּׁה וּבֵין זַרְעֲךָ וּבֵין זַרְעָהּ הוּא יְשׁוּפְךָ רֹאשׁ וְאַתָּה תְּשׁוּפֶנּוּ עָקֵב׃ ס | MetaphorRepetitionParallelismSynecdoche (Seed-Nation)RepetitionContrast (יְשׁוּפְךָ רֹאשׁ וְאַתָּה תְּשׁוּפֶנּוּ עָקֵב | As we spend time searching the words within its pages lets remember two important promises: First, “inspiration” of the Bible means that it had a divine origin. Now, why is this an important subject? The Bible tells us that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This was the creation of humanity. These are both written by many different people and over thousands of years. It not only tells of events that have happened under the sun but it leads us to a clearer knowledge of the God who created the sun. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”) 16 Out of his fullness... ... If everybody in the world would do these three things, the world would change immediately—there would be no more crime, no more war, no need for jails, no more poverty, no more hatred, no more road rage, and no more negative attitudes toward others. Due to this reason, I decided that I need to evaluate my traits, and try and think about who I am, before presenting myself to others. The words of the Bible were not self-initiated by the writers. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The Bible and the Word "Inspire" According to the Random House Dictionary, the word inspire means "to infuse an animating, quickening, or exalting influence into, or to communicate or suggest by a divine influence." This definition indicates, when applied to the scripture, that the stories and writings in the Bible did not come solely from the minds of the respective authors, but rather from a … The Old Testament was created first and is the first part of the Christian Bible and was written over a large amount of time compared to the new testament. Call 1-800-849-3927 or use the contact form below to ask about pricing. When the electricity leaves us for one day, you can imagine how hard is it, you can not do everything. 1 The primary Reason for Painting a Self-Portrait The Bible is often referred to as the Word of God. The Bible is also the source of all our other doctrines: of salvation, sanctification, the church, and last things. It means that God spoke to the hearts and minds of His chosen writers, revealing the truth that He wanted to convey to human beings. Adam and Eve were created in the Image of God and were morally innocent at creation, and they were told right from wrong. Although the 24 hours unplugged is just one day, but when people experience this special day, people will have a new understand about electric energy. The divine inspiration of Scripture starts with the God of the Bible. God planted thoughts in their minds that superseded anything they could have imagined. For instance, saving water, reducing paper consumption, plastic recycling, save electricity and so on. Yet they are not suggestions, and they are not orders; they are the results of our living by the Spirit. We have love for God and our neighbor. Sep 28, 2017 - Explore Debbie White's board "The Bible Inspires Me!" Whenever you are lacking motivation, refer to these Bible verses for inspiration to seek love and peace! 14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, The Lives of Confucius and Guatama Siddhartha, The Lust for Power: How Politics and Personal Relations Become One. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 5 of the books which include; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are the first part of the Jewish Bible which is the Torah. He is the one who... ...2.5 mil years=human exisitence Know culture definition In John’s prologue, however, the Bible tells us that Christ is the “Word” of … He came in the flesh to tell us who God is, to give an example of how we should live, to die as an atonement for our sins, and to be resurrected to assure us of eternal life in the House of God. TaScharner Cosby Therefore, I have decided to include those traits that I believe define me the most. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. On the day of crucifixion even the tearing of the great veil from top to bottom before the Holy of Holies was a type that betokened the fact that the old had been fulfilled and from that time on every man had access to the Father through Christ Jesus as the High Priest of God. We are created in the Image of God and are morally innocent at birth. Myth is a “four-letter word” to many Christians when used in connection with the Bible, but leviathan, seven-headed dragons, and other monsters are mythological creatures used in scripture to convey truth. We can control what we put into our bodies, but we cannot control our emotions. 3:16). It was written in Greek about Jesus being a prophet and a Jewish teacher with a different perspective on God. The Bible refers to the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. a–a מכל־הבהמה ו – The word is not found in the MT, it was added in another source and it means “all the domestic animals”. These writers were all men of faith who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write what they knew about God in light of their faith. God didn’t just inspire the big ideas behind the Bible, but the very words of Scripture. Log rafts and dugouts to improve fishing The Old and New Testaments together are referred to as the Holy Bible. Eve is also symbolic, meaning mother of all living. It is the... ...The Bible For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Firstly, the 24 hours unplugged activity is very useful for us, it will let us know how important the electricity for us. We possess joy. The Bible itself tells us what sin is, and it tells us there are consequences to sin—that means reproof. 3:16). Domesticating animals improved food supply Peter wrote: According to this passage, the writers of Scripture, at times, did not understand all of the things that God told them to write. This was Gods’ way of helping redeem humanity. The story of Adam and Eve may very well be allegorical. Who played a prominent role in religious panthen? My perhaps most intimate traits can remain hidden in my other paintings and in my symbolism. Human drawbacks—Aggressive, babies are dependent, aware of death, back problems from upright stature That is truly remarkable! Assessing Internal Characteristics The Bible is indeed profitable for doctrine, but it is and must be our only source for doctrine. God reveals Himself to us through His Word, and He speaks to us through His Word. We cannot answer where God came from, because the Bible doesn’t choose to reveal it, but we know that He has always. The Holy Spirit continually reinforces the Scriptures as the Word of God. Christian joy is not happiness that comes from a moment of pleasure; it is such contentment in life in every situation that we constantly have a joy in the Lord even amid the turmoil. Briefly answer each section from "The Story of the Bible": The word “inspired” in Greek is theopneustos, which means “God-breathed.” The men who wrote the books that make up the Bible did not write about their own doctrines and opinions, but, as Paul, the apostle wrote, “ … holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:21) The Holy Spirit is God with us now to remind us of sin and its consequences, to lead us down the right path of salvation, and to inspire us to do whatever God says do and go wherever God sends. We believe that the Bible is God's word. While God used human beings to record his words, it is God himself who is behind what they wrote. Christians call it the Old Testament because they believed that there would be a new covenant between man and god after the son of God was born. He is present in worship, Bible study, and prayer. Human benefits—Regular sex drive, manipulate objects with opposable thumb, facial expressions, speech, distinctive brain, omnivores help us live in multiple climates and settings Sharpen and shape stone to make better weapons 3. The Bible is God’s self … Why are... ...Yuchen Yang The writers were not scientists writing a science textbook, so the creation story is not a scientific account of the beginning of the universe and life; instead, it is an account of man’s faith in God as Creator. That could be an understatement, if we dare say the Bible is ever understated. The Bible is God’s word, in the sense that it presents to us divine truth in human forms…Rightly understood, this very humanity of the Bible is proof of its divinity.” These writers must have felt compelled of God to write, probably to a particular audience. 14 14 וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָֹה אֱלֹהִים אֶל־הַנָּחָשׁ כִּי עָשִׂיתָ זֹּאתאָרוּר אַתָּה מִ‍כָּל־הַבְּהֵמָה וּמִ‍כֹּל חַיַּת הַשָּׂדֶהעַל־גְּחֹנְךָ תֵלֵךְ וְעָפָר תֹּאכַל כָּל־יְמֵי חַיֶּיךָ׃ | EnumeratioParallelismParallelismHyperbole | The Greek word of spirit is pneuma, which one can translate “wind” or “breath.” Therefore, the word “inspire” means to breathe into; so inspiration means that the Holy Spirit breathes into the recipient. It is the constant claim of the New Testament and Old Testament writers, and of Christ Himself. The Son was and is God. We might quote great theologians who might help us understand the scripture, but scripture is our only source, not anything that human beings can make up. Population excellerated which resulted in wars the stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity Hebrew Scriptures | | 6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. The Bible is no mere human word, but it is the express revelation of God Almighty. God planted thoughts in their minds that superseded anything they could have imagined. Note: Much of this article comes from the author’s book. The term “inspiration” is found in the New Testament one time (2 Tim. Let the Word of God inspire you Inspire is the Bible for Coloring & Creative Journaling Inspire offers a new way to engage with, meditate on, and respond to Scripture—leading beginning colorers and experienced illustrators to the Prince of Peace. He created all the stars, all the planets, all their moons, all the comets, all asteroids, all minerals and gasses, and all life forms on any planet. Much of the modern confusion about the inspiration of the Bible stems from misconceptions of the word inspiration itself. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible tells us of the Holy Spirit, God with us in this life to teach us that the Bible is true and to teach us the truth about God, salvation, and sanctification. We have peace with God, peace within ourselves, and peace with other people who will let us have peace with them. The Bible is the result of God breathing His truth into holy men who recorded that truth to share with others. Finally, the Bible is profitable for instruction in righteousness. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 5 differences that separate Mesolithic from Palothic peoples First, inspired Scripture is important for teaching. The Greek word of spirit is. The translators made no claim their translation was either inspired or perfect. Yet the hand of God was in the writing. Therefore: 1. Mount Olive, N.C.: Mount Olive College Press, 2002. The Bible is the result of God breathing His truth into holy men who recorded that truth to share with others. The unity of the Bible is one of the greatest evidences of … 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. CWV-101: Bible Story Worksheet and Journal #1 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). The interactive nature of the Inspire Bible’s line-art illustrations for coloring bridges the gap between wide-margin Bibles without art pieces and full-color illustrated Bibles, allowing readers to connect to Scripture through creative expression.Through … This scripture is inspired, meaning that God himself guided the authors who wrote the books of the Bible. The Bible claims that it is the inspired word of God (2 Tim. For a better experience now, use another browser. Verse 14 It is, therefore, quite important that I consider my audience when choosing which traits to reveal. Unlike the Old Testament it was written over a smaller time span of the 1000 year period. That is the wonder of God that He can and does use frail, imperfect, finite, fallible creatures just like us to convey His infinite truths. This definition indicates, when applied to the scripture, that the stories and writings in the Bible did not come solely from the minds of the respective authors, but rather from a divine source. 24 Hours Unplugged The Bible tells us how He did it; and the Bible aloneis where we need to find the answer to the question of how God brought us the Scriptures. The writers were passive and just... 2. The KJV Only people argue that the KJV is the only inspired Bible against which every other translation is to be tested. As a young minister, Timothy was being reminded of the importance of using Scripture, … God is merciful and full of grace and love. Therefore, we affirm that the scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, “are God’s revealed Word to man. Bulk Rate & Non-Profit Postage Rates on Qualified Mailings! The Biblical verses were taken from the King James Version, and the author will use this version throughout the whole exegesis when other Bible sources are necessary. ...The Word Became Flesh These are the Old Testament and the New Testament. The meaning of the word Bible is “the books.” This word is a translation of the Greek word “biblia” (books). Nowadays, more and more people think the environmental protection is very important. Some of them wrote poetry, such as the kind found in the Psalms while some of them wrote symbolic visions they had. It is God’s Word in that He gave it to holy men through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible also tells us what to do to receive forgiveness for sins: to confess and repent of our sins, and, The Bible tells us that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, present everywhere, and eternal. Assessing External Perception People leave all of... ...What is Bible? 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. They used and recorded oral tradition, history, personal experience, speculation, allegory, symbolism, metaphor, figurative language, poetry, prose, parables, and even myth. WHAT exactly did the apostle Paul mean when he said that the Bible is “inspired of God”? Yet, God has taken that Word and directed it to millions throughout history. THE UNITY OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 5. Revelation is God's self-disclosure. The Bible can inspire us to be loving and courageous despite the malevolence in the world. The Bible itself tells us what sin is, and it tells us there are consequences to sin—that means reproof. Write 2-3 sentences explaining the importance of God revealing Himself through covenants. People should experience a new life, for instance, people can go to nature to be one day. The writers used many methods to convey the central truth. This name is symbolic for all humanity, not just males, and not just for one man long ago. 1 The New Testament is the second part in the Christian Bible and was written after the birth of Jesus. We are taught right from wrong by our parents, but when we sin, and we all sin, we fall away from God. Faithfulness to God, to one’s spouse, to one’s job or profession, and one’s obligations is a virtue that comes from the Holy Spirit. The 24 hours unplugged activity is a very interesting public service activity. Temperance or self-control is the ability to control our behavior no matter what the circumstances. keep your answers brief. Adam is a symbolic name meaning man or dust. The ability to effectively assess our internal characteristics is one of the main obstacles we face when thinking about a self-portrait. ENC-1101-01 However, it is remarkable how close scientific theory comes to the Biblical account. God the Father is in heaven. All of the Old Testament books were created and written before Jesus was born. Jesus said, “Pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). The Bible is a collection of many works by different authors who had different ways of thinking and writing. God reveals Himself through covenants because he wants humanity to have a guide to follow. The doctrinal statement of Moody Bible Institute affirms, "The Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments, is a divine revelation, the original autographs of which were verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit." Journal: Self-Portrait This claim is not only demonstrably false, it ignores the entire issue of biblical origin, transmission and translation. Charles Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism, wrote: The bible must be the invention of either good men or angels, bad men or devils, or of God. and now send back the man's wife, for he is inspired, and he doth pray for thee, and live thou; and if thou do not send back, know that dying thou dost die, thou, and all that thou hast.' The English word inspiration, derived from the Latin word inspiratio, refers to Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the prophecies about the Messiah tell us about Jesus. Why hunting gathering groups were small: people hunting for food and gathering nuts and berries cannot support large numbers of people, they had to roam wildly for food, and two people required 1 square mile. This is because we believe the Bible is the wholly inspired Word of God, God-breathed, and incapable of error, except for man-made errors such as those in translation or copying. Our doctrines come from scripture and no other source. Internet Explorer won’t be supported for long. He is Creator of the whole universe and everything in it. The story of Adam and Eve may very well be allegorical. The writers’ speculation is God’s truth. 2.2 Lexical-Grammatical Diagram The Word did not come from their imaginations; it came from the mind of God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. The fall reveals the sin of humanity and human morality. Many of us possess countless traits that shape our character; unfortunately, we are often unable to convey all these characteristics in one painting. 15 (John testified concerning him. These writers then recorded this truth utilizing their peculiar personalities, experiences, literary styles, cultures, and even defects. The Bible was inspired and preserved for our benefit. An allegory is a short story, similar to a parable, expressing truth using symbolic characters. 4. Because we as Christians hold the Bible to be God's Word (and have established that in "The Holy Bible: How It's God's Word"), it is not necessary to look outside of the Bible to find out how God brought us His written Word. Some of them wrote symbolic visions they had symbolic visions they had this claims... The result of God second part in the world quite important that I believe that the Bible inspired! They may not correlate with the way others perceive us who played prominent... For their salvation other paintings and in my symbolism birth of Jesus found in the darkness, they... Say the Bible is the...... what is evil in the world did not come from their ;... The beginning of all of us continually reinforces the Scriptures as the source of.! Evil in the darkness, and prayer root as Spirit second part in the 24 hours unplugged activity is symbolic! Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us to effectively assess our internal characteristics is one of the.! 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