mao three stages of protracted war

People’s War relied on both political and military components to achieve the insurgency’s objectives and depended on conducting a protracted war, in which the duration of the conflict frustrates and exhausts the counterinsurgency force enough to facilitate their defeat. [2], In February 2020, the Chinese Communist Party launched an aggressive campaign described by the Party general secretary Xi Jinping as a "people's war" to contain the spread of the coronavirus.[3]. The three stages - - to repeat - - are: 1. II, p. 186. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Cadres come to villages to live and work and socialize with the locals. Mao and Clausewitz would seem to agree on this much, war is simply the pursuit of political ends by other means. Mao Tse Tung’s Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In fact, they increased during the next phase. It wasn’t the crisis of overproduction, or the alienation of the worker, that mattered to them. Clearly guerrilla operations are an important component of revolutionary war, but the underlying principle and fundamental objective is social revolution. The revolutionary cadres begin their work in remote rural areas. Like all craftsman and builders in history, Mao worked with the materials available at hand– peasants. Mao's quote about base areas. 1. Then, once in the good graces of the other front parties, the revolutionary elite—the vanguard party—move to infiltrate them from within, insidiously, the vanguard party then takes over and rules in its own right. At least at this early stage. Basically, when people read about the attack in the newspaper or hear about it on the radio or by word of mouth, they’re going to be curious about what is happening. by. NOT necessarily violent. Fundraising is a plague on our politics. -- Friedrich Nietzsche. Read On Protracted War by Mao Tse Tung - his theories & strategies for how a non-state actor could strengthen themselves and be victorious against a powerful adversary in a protracted war (i.e. Protracted People’s War (PPW) is a military theory developed by Mao Zedong during the Chinese Civil War and the war against the Japanese in China. America’s Swamp Has Deep Roots. Change ). 2. Instead phase two revolutionaries are interested in using military force for political purposes. Mao systematically summed up the experience of the early stage of the war of resistance and comprehensively expounded China's strategic confidence in winning the war by means of protracted war. 2) the strategrc stalemate dunng which the revolution grows and the enemy weakens: and 3) the strategic In the Philippines the Communist Party of the Philippines is waging an enduring people's war through its armed wing, the New People's Army, the Turkish TKP/ML and its armed wing TiKKO (Turkish Workers and Peasants Liberation Army) has been waging a People's War in Turkey since 1972. 3. In the George Floyd Case, Why Is Cause of Death so Difficult to Determine? It was used by the Chinese communists against the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II, and by the Chinese Soviet Republic in the Chinese Civil War. Mao's military philosophy did not flow from his agile mind a finished product. Since the Sino-Japanese war is a protracted one and final victory will belong to China, it can reasonably be assumed that this protracted war will pass through three stages. But you had to let events run their proper course. 2. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! First developed by the Chinese communist revolutionary leader Mao Zedong (1893–1976), the basic concept behind People's War is to maintain the support of the population and draw the enemy deep into the countryside (stretching their supply lines) where the population will bleed them dry through a mix of mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In the third stage military objectives rise to the fore. Mao divided the protracted war into three basic stages: The Strategic Defensive; … The data is clear: An unusual surge in border apprehensions did occur in March, Biden calls gun violence in the U.S. an ‘epidemic’ and ‘embarrassment’ as he announces executive orders to tighten restrictions, What’s really missing from the anti-Trump GOP effort, Republicans are concerned about the debt again, even as they admit Trump grew it, The $50 billion race to save America’s renters from eviction, Why the debate over what counts as ‘infrastructure’ probably suits the Biden team just fine, Cold Warriors: Writers Who Waged the Literary Cold War, More than Night: Film Noir in its Contexts, For The Love of Money – Ill Fares The Land, Nelson Mandela – Oakland Coliseum Stadium 06/30/90, The Art of the Con – Great American Narrative Redux, War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men – Georges Clemenceau, “If You Are Going To Try, Go All The Way” – Charles Bukowski, The Trick Play: Deceptive Tactic Designed to Fool Opposing Team (Iran) and Viewers (US Public), The European Elections, Iran and the Refugee Problem, From the Grave – JFK to DT: Beware of the Bay of Boltons. These three ideas-the primacy of the political aim, the decisiveness of the peasants' support, and the three phase protracted war-contain the essentials of Mao's conception of revolutionary warfare. 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Stage Two sees an escalation, with attacks directed against the government’s military forces and vital institutions. In it, he calls for a protracted people's war as a means for small revolutionary groups to fight the power of the state. To what effect? That’s phase one. Its no surprise then that Mao’s rallying cry was for land reform. Since the Sino-Japanese war is a protracted one and final victory willbelong to China, it can reasonably be assumed that this protracted war willpass through three stages. ( Log Out /  That’s the third phase. In Nepal, the Maoists succeeded in controlling most of the country and formed 100,000 troops into 3 divisions in what they called the "beginning of the strategic offensive". This is low-intensity warfare at this point so the target will likely be an individual or a small group, a police chief for example, or a village chief, or maybe even a province chief or council. Progressive expansion by terror and attacks on isolated enemy units Over time they become trusted. Conflicts in the following list are labelled the People's War by the Maoists. The first deals with a set of Why a Protracted War? In that newly fertile ground they develop a program, the party line, and recruit followers. The government on the other hand has the constant task of rooting out and apprehending the revolutionary cadres. It’s difficult to make sense of the tactical decisions made by Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap during the Indochina Wars without understanding: Mao Tse Tung’s Theory of Revolutionary War: Revolutionary war, not guerrilla war. And therefore, any strategy in war must innevitably be tied to clear political goals for success. Next, the transition to phase two, guerrilla warfare, armed struggle. Stage Three: Decision or Defeat. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In “On Protracted War”, a treatise on the methods by which China could hope to defeat Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese War, Mao offers a three stage plan. Yet they were such a small minority in China that they hardly mattered. For example, an ambush of a patrol might net a weapons cache. By all accounts, at the height of the conflict in Peru, both the Shining Path and the Peruvian government used terror tactics against the civilian population, especially in the countryside. The third stage will be the period of our strategiccounter-offensive and the enemy's strategic retreat. 1 Cumulative effect of numerous, quick, decisive offensives can attain ‘protractedness’ o Gains time to increase capacity, international change & enemy collapse “War is a contest of strength […] there is no … For villagers already opposed to the government, or even for those who were neutral, this represented a development worth watching, and maybe hope for something new and better. Even if they’ve never heard of the revolutionary movement they may start thinking about it and seek to learn more. Decision, or destruction of the enemy in battle. In Phase Three, conventional warfare and fighting are used to seize cities, overthrow the government, and assume control of the country. As it grows in power, it enters stage two, establishes other revolutionary base areas and spreads its influence through the surrounding countryside, where it may become the governing power and gain popular support through such programmes as land reform. In China, the Maoist Theory of People's War divides warfare into three phases. After the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, Deng Xiaoping abandoned People's War for "People's War under Modern Conditions", which moved away from reliance on troops over technology. Getting there involves the constant escalation of fear through violence. provide the ley to political mobilization and winning the " hearts and minds" Mao's Chinese Revolution. 1. The thnd and most emulated element is Mao’s theory of protracted war n hrch ehcompasses three stages the strategic defense during m hich the revolutionary forces are u eak and prima& concerned with protecting themselves. In the 1930s, you had a basic problem: Orthodox Marxist theory said the revolution would start with the proletariat—period. Then a police station is overrun in the night, netting more weapons and ammunition, and perhaps information like names of informants. People’s War consisted of three stages. While they claim to consider this event only a "bend in the road", most independent sources have claimed them to be in decline since that time. The concept of people's war became less important with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the increasing possibility of conflict with the United States over Taiwan. 134 The Three Stages of the Protracted War 136 A War of Jig-Saw Pattern 145 Fighting for Perpetual Peace 148 Man’s Dynamic Role in War 151 War and Politics 152 Political Mobilization for the War of Resistance 154 The Object of War 155 Offense Within Defense, Quick Decisions Within a Protracted Not only must we have a powerful regular army; we must also organize contingents of the people's militia on a big scale. Cambodia, Kent State and the Kissinger Question? They may then pull their forces further inward for personal protection, which usually made the villagers happy. By aligning with the democracy movement, with the subsequent restoration of democracy, and a peace agreement with the government, the Maoist insurgency met sufficient success to allow the formation of a coalition government in 2008. Highly-mobile squad size units primarily conducting the "war of the flea" type of warfare. However, protracted war should not be confused with the "foco" theory employed by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution of 1959. Instead, it favours a three-stage strategy of protracted warfare, with carefully chosen battles that can realistically be won. The activities of Stage One never stopped. But, in general, Maoism contains three main universal advancements: 1. the militarization of the Communist Party, 2. the concentric construction of the three instruments of revolution, and 3. the universality of Protracted People’s War and the application of revolutionary violence. In fact, it makes it a smarter theory in that it accounts for such things. This document established official military strategies to the Chinese Red Army during the Chinese civil war. And they can win. The time of Mao’s writing-the Second World War-was when a great portion of the world was embroiled in an unjust war. Mao Zedong — ‘...this protracted war will pass through three stages. It is, like most Marxist military theories, rooted in politics. And therefore, any strategy in war must innevitably be tied to clear political goals for success. Government tactics included sponsorship of death squads; Shining Path tactics included violent attacks on trade unionists and others they saw as rivals for the leadership of those opposing the government. Mao's doctrine anticipated that circumstances may require shifting betw… In the first phase, Mao explained, Japan Kidnapping and assassination are the tools of the trade, not so much because they want to get rid of that person but rather to make a resounding point. Start studying MSS 200 GR Review. Progressive expansion by terror and attacks on isolated enemy units. IN strict adherence to the “3-stages” of the ‘protracted people’s war’ (PPW) laid down by Chairman Mao, the CPP sees its armed struggle as consisting of the following: the strategic defensive stage, the period of strategic stalemate and right after this, the period of the strategic counter-offensive, the point when the balance of military strength has finally shifted to the party and its armed wing, the … Engaging in that initial act of violence, or terrorism, demonstrates to the people that the revolution is real, that its agents are here and they mean business. That was usually a losing battle for them. They begin to give information on government officials, and local families grow more willing to hide communist troops. His most im-portant work, On the Protracted War (1938), purports to be, and probably is, a classic and timeless. Mao's 3 stages of protracted war. That was Lenin’s first great contribution to the theory and practice of revolution. Ultimately a regular military force emerges that can engage government forces on the field of battle. His first important military piece, The Struggle in the Chingkang Mountains (1928), is dated. The first attacks may do little physical damage to the enemy, but psychologically, fears of possible mayhem just around the corner get stoked. ( Log Out /  Finally, phase three is where the guerrillas find … As stated before, revolutionary war is progressive. Mao Tse-tung concluded that the initial In order to be more precise in evaluating whether or not this process took place, one must look more closely into Mao'sdescription of the three phases ofthe protracted war and see how he describes the tactics and characteristics ofeach stage. As we’ll see, the Vietnamese Communists put their own gloss on the theory and practice. For Lenin that enemy was the capitalist regime. Lenin came up with the notion of the vanguard party, a revolutionary elite that would work to create the conditions for revolution. Historian David Priestland dates the beginning of the policy of people's war to the publication of a "General Outline for Military Work" in May 1928, by Chinese Central Committee. 3. appear to be Mao’s “Three Stages of Revolutionary Warfare” or principles of protracted war – the ‘Strategic Defence’ where space is traded for time, the ‘Strategic Stalemate’ where the revolution gains in political and military strength relative to its opponent, and the ‘Strategic Offence’ when the The Three Stages of Mao’s Revolutionary Warfare, The Three Stages of Mao’s Revolutionary Warfare | The Offbeat Archive, Coronavirus live news: Bangkok warns outbreak could take two months to control; India reports record new cases, Biden condemns US gun violence as an ‘international embarrassment’ as he announces new actions – live, ‘The fear is that this will get bigger’: six nights of rioting in Northern Ireland, Macron to close elite school that hothouses French leaders, Zimbabwe under renewed pressure to give up Rwanda genocide suspect, Derek Chauvin trial: George Floyd died from ‘low oxygen’, doctor says – live, Painting that was nearly sold for €1,500 could be Caravaggio worth €50m, Police called to Harry and Meghan’s California home nine times since July, Inside Somalia’s impasse: election talks collapse amid mistrust and blame, Women and young people could determine Ecuador’s election outcome, Biden Announces Action on Guns, Saying ‘This Is Just a Start’, Manchin Says He Will Never Back Weakening Filibuster, After Pandemic, Shrinking Need for Office Space Could Crush Landlords, Floyd ‘Died From a Low Level of Oxygen,’ Expert Says at Trial. The Communists did not always co-mingle with the locals in such a benign way, sometimes they coerced villagers, but the track record (in China, Vietnam and elsewhere) reveals a trend toward cooperation rather than intimidation as the primary characteristic of the relations between revolutionaries and peasants. On Protracted War. Suddenly, formerly comfortable officials begin to fear for their safety. It’s easier to hide there and governments tend to ignore remote areas or, even better, discriminate against their inhabitants. His second was the concept of the popular front. Waiting for Nobel – North Korea launches short-range missiles into Sea of Japan, Robert Motherwell: Elegies to the Spanish Republic, Barcelona v. Las Palmas match played without fans amid Catalonia vote, Drainable? Inasmuch as he abhors stages, Kinera can praise Gonzalo for disregarding the probable stages in the development of protracted people’s war as previously defined by Mao. In Phase One, the guerrillas earn population's support by distributing propagandaand attacking the organs of government. Mao’s great contribution to the theory of revolutionary struggle was the realization that social revolution didn’t have to start with the proletariat—industrial workers—as Marx believed. 3. Online Scammers Have a New Offer For You: Vaccine Cards, How Brian Kemp Is Rebounding Against Trump’s Wrath, Why Georgia's Voting Laws Are Not Like Colorado's, Caitlyn Jenner Is Exploring a Run for Governor of California, Biden administration to launch massive funeral assistance program for covid victims. In India, the Naxalite Maoist insurgency controls several rural districts in the eastern and southern regions, especially in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. So how to get there?…. which the war takes on the semblance of conventional warfare, and the guerrilla plays but an auxiliary role. Revolutionary War. With the adoption of "socialism with Chinese characteristics", economic reforms fueled military and technological investment. Within the Chinese Red Army, the concept of people's war was the basis of strategy against the Japanese, and against a hypothetical Soviet invasion of China. During the 1980s in Ireland, IRA leader Jim Lynagh devised a Maoist urban guerilla military strategy adapted to Irish conditions aimed at escalating the war against British forces. To demonstrate to the populace that the insurgents can get to the enemy, that their force is a real factor to be respected. People's war, also called protracted people's war, is a Maoist military strategy. It also induces fear in the ranks. That serves to helps with recruiting. A group of Peruvian Maoists known as the Shining Path at times controlled significant parts of the country during the internal conflict in Peru, but they were dealt a blow by the arrest of their leader Abimael Guzmán in 1992. The result was Mao’s three stage theory of revolutionary war. Over time, more and more locals actually take up arms and join in the combat operations. The strategy of people's war was used heavily by the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War. Mao’s experience helped him conceive his most significant contribution to the theories of revolutionary warfare: the three stages of protracted war. What or who is the first target? In 1984 he started cooperating with Pádraig McKearney who shared his views. Then, finally, enough weapons, and money, are accumulated to encourage supporters to help. As such the Protracted nature of the People’s War is also universal and is necessary. Mao reminds us that military strategy is impotent without an understanding of grand strategy. In Phase Two, escalating attacks are launched against the government's military forces and vital institutions. Marxist theory held that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction, it was only a matter of time until the conditions would be right for the workers to rise in revolution and take over. Click an icon to Log in: You are commenting using your account concept of people 's war the! Military forces and vital institutions under IRA control blog can not share posts by.. Divides warfare into Three phases proper course to villages to live and and! Not flow from his agile mao three stages of protracted war a finished product about it and to..., finally, enough weapons, and perhaps information like names of informants the. ( 1928 ), You are commenting using your account said to require stability. In remote rural areas with Pádraig McKearney who shared his views military to. You had a basic problem: Orthodox Marxist theory said the revolution start. Usually in difficult and isolated terrain two sees an escalation, with attacks directed against the ’... 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