is the universe god

The Universe Is the Body of God Thursday, March 7, 2019. The sovereignty of God means that as ruler of the Universe, God is free and has the right to do whatever he wants. Published on April 9, 2016 April 9, 2016 • 71 Likes • 26 Comments Ultimately the ancients knew everything was one and everything was God, they just had symbolic representations of the different aspects of the divine such as the divine aspect of fire, earth, air and water which were also sometimes given ‘God’ like names. Is there any way to understand why God has the nature He does have (e.g., in what He prefers, such as either libertarian free will for other beings or total determination, say of a mathematically elegant universe)? The atheist philosopher of religion, Theodore Drange, for example, says God would only have created the universe only because he lacked something, and if he lacked something then he would not be perfect. Thus, the universe as it exists today is not the same as God created it. In the final analysis, people deny God so that they can put their interests above God. You exist before time, before the universe, before everything! How lovely it is, how intricate, indescribable, and beyond words. He grew up with an aversion to discipline, and a life-long suspicion of all authority. Variety and diversity are extremely important because they help to differentiate one part of the whole from another. The multiverse models are fascinating and address scientific questions in this universe, but at a scientific level the predictions for other universes are virtually impossible to verify. Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. Bible verses about God And Our Universe. In a way, God is Nature. Ecclesiastes 11:5. This is the predominant belief among western/European civilizations. But, if the weight is not heavy enough to move the boulder, then the necessary conditions are not sufficient, and the bolder does not move. If God is the Creator of the universe, and the Bible is revelation directly from God, then accurate observation of the universe will ultimately prove to be consistent with His revelation. This deserves an explanation. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good (Genesis 1:31). But this wasn’t a religious view. You could not compare yourself to anything and therefore you would not even know, you existed. God is NOT a separate entity. Therefore, the universe is not infinitely old. You have no external reference points, and no internal reference points either for that matter. It is impossible to differentiate one part of the whole from another part at the fundamental level because ultimately it is all made of the same stuff and acts and behaves like ONE. This is the so-called Spinoza’s God. Time and space are also important so we can locate things relative to something else. 4. Instead of being a conscious being, God is a manifestation of the beauty of the Universe. ... Of course, we can always redefine God to be an inevitable island of order or some sort of emergent mathematical entity. You have been given free-will to create and experience life(God) in what ever way you choose. But because God’s material existence is based upon His own resurrection physics, not normal cosmic physics, God must use solely the latter to “create” real world cosmic objects. God ’s logic is built into the universe, and so the universe is not haphazard or arbitrary. You are infinite. Panentheists believe that God is greater than the universe, but is also in the universe and nature. For anything to exist, it must be possible beforehand for it to exist. In Hinduism for example their books/scriptures have always been regarded as mythological and not as actual fact. Adam's first commission from God was to discover the details of his environment by reviewing and naming the animals. Yet this would also mean that since we are part of the universe, then we are part of God. Consider Isaiah 40:22 which mentions the “circleof the earth.” This description is certainlyfitting—particularly when the earth is viewedfrom space; the earth always appears as a circlesince it is round.Another verse that indicates the sphericalnature of our planet is Job 26:10. All 5 words are multiplied by eternity and infinity. ... Once I got this figured out I became much better at managing all the emotions and thoughts that are essential to me setting and achieving my goals. God IS everything literally. Panentheism is the idea that everything in the universe is part of God but that God is more than everything added together. Now you have established internal reference points and objects and are learning about yourself, and what you are capable of. It is impossible for something to exist outside of infinity. Now there is no meaning yet there is purpose and the purpose of All That Is, is to experience and create. God and his universe. You would have to stop life! GOD= GENARATES INFINITE ENERGY,O=OPERATES WITH THIS ENERGY , D= DESTROYS, in hinduism we call it brahma,vishnu,mahesh,one god three function for our limited understanding,our lord is always SAT{TRUTH} CHIT{AWERNESS} ANAND{BLISS} with this solid faith I look at universe ,enjoy Nature and beauty in everything,his hands that paints the sky ,smile on childrens faces ,every seasons … This is crucial in understanding their type of philosophy and ideology. God gave humans the ability to reason. So you begin to create dimensions like up and a down, and left and right, you begin to create little objects within your self. God as the Creator of the universe and all things within is a vital teaching of the Abrahamic religions, as well as several other religions prevalent in the world today and throughout history. God is … It always fails. He exists independently of all things. Further, he is in complete control over everything that happens here on Earth. Let me explain this concept a little because most people don’t understand this. There was no imperfection in God's original creation. is the universe God? Something can only exist with reference to its polar opposite. Is God real? The second was that, in simple terms, the whole universe is the result of a quantum fluctuation in some pre-universe vacuum. However, in the early twentieth century, astronomer Edwin Hubble (the man for whom the Hubble telescope … The atheists may say that this is superstitious and non-sensical, and they may request that we show them God. You have no body you have no shape, it hasn’t been created yet. God is NOT a separate entity. So in essence the energy has always been there forever and ever and will always be there forever and ever; it is infinite, it is God. God definition is - the supreme or ultimate reality: such as. It is consciousness. God is the biggest conceivable existent, which is the totality of existence itself. "If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence," Hawking wrote. That view fit perfectly with the beliefs of atheistic scientists. That is what the purpose of your life is. Creativity always springs from the present moment. Thor may be a major hero in the Marvel Universe, but Norse mythology is not bound by one single comic book universe. But if that which caused God to exist possessed the necessary and sufficient conditions to bring about God’s existence, and it had them eternally (since they would be part of its nature), then God would have been created (along with the universe) an infinitely long time ago, automatically. Key Take-Away: We know God exists because we can be 100% certain that He created the finely tuned universe and our position in it to support life on earth. Energy can also never be created or destroyed only transformed from one form into another. Some argued it had always existed: that it was “infinitely old.” This agreed with the worldview of ancient philosophers and then-current atheism. A similar concept is panentheism, which has the creator become the universe only God is the universe and the universe is god. See also point 3.2 above in the first outline about traversing infinite time. Advertising. God is eternal means that he never had a beginning, that he has always existed. 4. There is no stasis and ultimately therefore you can never attach meaning to any one thing eternally. Why is the universe so big?” Here we explore what the Bible says about the universe! These helped individuals understand various governing principles of the universe and contained moral lessons, spiritual advice and so on. We can define “God” as “all of existence,” “the entirety of the universe,” or “reality itself.” God is the whole-thing-together. So you begin to create, but since you are everything and are infinite you can’t create outside of yourself you must create within yourself. During the same period the construction of larger telescopes enabled astronomers to look deeper into space. Ultimately there is no separation, but the illusion of separation at the superficial level serves a purpose. But if there is a “multiverse” of many universes, all with different constants, the problem vanishes: we’re here because we happen to be in one of the universes that work. It is an infinite process. Thus the illusion of separation is born. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that the amount of usable energy in the universe is decreasing. Although born in 1879 of German-Jewish parents, Albert was not brought up in the Jewish faith. Almost any type of story or personal anecdote that requires mention of a higher power will routinely invoke the universe as that power. This verseteaches that God has inscribed a circle on thesurface of the waters at the boundary of lightand darkness. In this belief system the entire universe and everything within it, is divine ie.God. The universe is not in a state of heat death. God and his creation are irreconcilable. To grow and sometimes through adversity to really understand all aspects of life. According to Brian Greene, Professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University the two options, multiverse or God do not necessarily have to stand as rivals. Therefore, the universe is not infinitely old. Most people understand this concept very well. In the final analysis, people deny God so that they can put their interests above God. It means that if the universe adds up to nothing, then you don’t need a God to create it. One thing is certain about the universe and that is change. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Everything about who God is stretches not only across the 100 billion light-years of this universe, but also stretches far beyond this universe to God’s throne in heaven. He attended a nearby Catholic elementary school in Munich and then the local high school. Imperfection eventually entered the universe as a result of humankind's sin, not God's design. How does the nature of the universe relate to the nature of God? If we are part of God, then what is God if he is not distinguished from us? These are a fundamental need for existence and experience’s of the given nature. Could the Universe be a giant brain, or Mind? This is the true wonder of life. A rather slow and dreamy student, Albert was bored with non-scientific subjects,3 and learned little under the harsh military-style 19thcentury German education system. But it is not possible to traverse an infinite amount of time in order to get to now. This means usually that God is an external separate parent like entity. God is spirit (John 4:24); the universe is matter. Sometimes you just feel that instant ‘yes’ or instant ‘no’ from your gut feeling. You have no idea who you are and what you’re even capable of. If God is human-oriented, wouldn’t you expect him to create a universe in which humans feature prominently? That is what the purpose of the universe is. To live life in whatever way you choose is the purpose of life. The belief that God became the Universe is a theological doctrine that has been developed several times historically, and holds that the creator of the universe actually became the universe. Further advances were spurred by new instrumentation, deep spac… However, many still hold the view that the ‘the universe is too big.’ What’s worse is that some even argue that since the universe is so big and wasteful, that, therefore, there cannot be a God. If the universe has no beginning or end, then there is nothing for a god to create. Given our human psychology which evolved to survive on this planet we have an innate need to find causes, And of course primitive humans tended to use a limited language and understanding by personalizing the explanation for where things come from. Replacing God with the universe has become a standard trope in popular culture, showing up in movies, TV shows, interviews and social media posts. Through this, kings and ruler stripped away the knowledge of everyone’s divinity and made themselves God so they could accumulate more power and money. The physical universe is matter, and it had a beginning. In this scenario God is very separate from his creation. You are just floating in space. You are pure energy, completely formless and unlimited. Chosen by Time magazine to be their ‘Person of the Century’, 1 Albert Einstein 2 is famous for many things (apart from his shaggy visage). If it is said that God is eternal but it is also necessarily true that the universe is not eternal, then it cannot be the case that God and the universe are one and the same. Yes. Without God there is no adequate explanation of how the universe was created or to explain our purpose in life . They were never meant to be viewed as actual real separate God entities, they way we view God in the Judeo-Christian religion!! The pool of possible experience is so vast and magnificent, it is infinite. It obeys laws of chemistry that are logically derived from the laws of physics, many of which can be logically derived from other laws of physics and laws of mathematics. This would mean that since we are part of the universe, we are part of God. Yet this would also mean that since we are part of the universe, then we are part of God. However, if it was a non-personal cause that brought God into existence, then that non-personal cause would have had to have the necessary and sufficient conditions to bring about God’s creation. In the previous article on the proofs of God, we examined the scientific evidence pointing to the universe having a beginning and being created from nothing. In my understanding, God is not nature per se, but is a prerequisite for nature on earth and an intrinsic part of the universal order. The universe/multiverse exists upon cosmic principles apart from God and co-eternal with Him. God exists and created the universe. Thank you God for showing us and allowing us to be apart of your perfect creation in this universe and sending your Son to save us all when we believe in Him. With every part, equally as important as every other part. The universe is the ultimate free lunch. The goal is to get as much varied experience as possible of your choosing. It ties past, present and future all together in the eternal moment of now. Religions can basically be divided into 2 categories. As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. 2. But is this true? You would not know up from down, you would not know there, as oppose to here. Sounds too good to be true, ... Shala for sharing her daily practices, I want to encourage you to make 2016 the year you resolve to choose to see the universe as friendly. In this example, there are necessary conditions to move the boulder:  a ground as a platform, a fulcrum (the small rock), a lever, and a weight. Einstein, the universe, and God Image That personal being would be God which would, therefore, be separate from the universe. The bread and the wine together are stand-ins for the very elements of the universe, which also enjoy and communicate the incarnate presence.Authentically Eucharistic Christians should have been the first to recognize the corporate, universal, and physical nature of the “Christification” of matter. To be non-contingent means that God does not depend upon anything for his existence. This is a really important point. Answer: Prior to the twentieth century, before the Big Bang theory had been developed, philosophers and scientists debated whether the universe had a beginning. God in the universe I had to called this site, because God of the universe had already been taken, but anyhow it does not matter, since they are about the same. This would mean that there can be no distinguishing between God and the universe since both are the same thing. If the cause of God was personal, then there is a God beyond God which is separate from God and separate from the universe. If God is not eternal, then he had a beginning, a cause. However, when both the necessary and sufficient conditions are met (the weight is heavy enough), the result is automatic, and the boulder moves. It is amazing that so many people believe that God is a fable, and they will go to such lengths to disprove that there is not a God. There are multiple varieties of pantheism and various systems of classifying them relying upon one or more spectra or in discrete categories. They included: Rejection of all books, including the Bible, that are claimed to contain divine revelation. But if that which existed before God had the necessary and sufficient conditions, it would have had to have them by nature, eternally. At age 1… The quest to find the elegant design of the universe in the language of math is a noble one. If one were to say that something brought. Pantheism teaches that God is the creation iteslf, He is the sun, moon, stars, trees and even us! How would you even know you existed? The second is for example Hinduism, Buddhism, various tribal religions, Gnosticism, Egyptian religion at its core and various others. Question: "Why did God create such a vast universe and other planets if there is only life on Earth?" To experience, birth and death, relationships, life in the physical universe, and then life also in the many non-physical realms. Question: "Did God use the ‘Big Bang’ to create the universe?" The whole being is greater than the sum of its parts. Genesis 1:1-31 ESV / 8 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. You just have a knowing. No universe could be completely random at all levels of analysis. God, in monotheistic thought, is conceived of as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. These understandings are at the very core of many ancient religions such as the Egyptian religion, Mayan religion, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Paganism, and various tribal religions across the face of the planet. People often get caught up in a search for the meaning of life and try to artificially impose some sort of eternal meaning on something. Did God create the universe? But if God and the universe were brought into existence an infinitely long time ago, then the universe would be in a state of heat death according to the second law of thermodynamics. You are pure consciousness without form or shape, it’s as if you were nothing. Actually, the universe exists because of God, and the universe with all that is in it is beautiful because of Him. The true joy in life is in experience of the NOW. Many ask: “Is the universe God? To attach meaning to any moment in time eternally you would have to freeze the entire universe and all of existence. Learn to celebrate this spiritual faculty and trust in the process. The Universe is not giving what you want because of these 5 reasons. Some atheists even say the idea of a perfect God creating the world leads to a contradiction. If it is said that God and the universe are both eternal and that each, which are really the same, do not depend upon anything for their existence, then it must be the case that the universe is eternal. How to use god in a sentence. … It’s a self discovery process on all levels of existence. You’d expect humans to occupy most of the universe, existing across time. If the universe were without a beginning and was therefore eternal, then it would be infinitely old and there would be no usable energy in the universe. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Imagine for a moment you are God. God's will is the final cause of all things. This is known as pantheism. Hebrews 1:3 ESV / 10 helpful votes Unlike any other revelation of God, Jesus Christ is the clearest, most specific proof of God revealing … Without the illusion of separation without reference points you could not create, you could not experience! What is the meaning of all this? This is where the wheels of our common-sense understanding screech to a frustrated halt — after all, in our daily lives, we can’t just manifest a cone of ice cream or a long-lost lover with the snap of our fingers. No Thing in the universe likewise could possibly be more superior fundamentally than any other thing. This 'possibility' is knowledge, and knowledge implies a … Many non-Christian groups also acknowledge a deity as the Creator – Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Deists, Native American tribes, and many ancient religions for that matter. The first is for example Judeo-Christian type religions where the purpose of these religions are to have a relationship with the divine. Psalm 19:1 says that “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.” The purpose of these religions was that through life’s journeys and lessons you would become aware of the illusion of separation and come to know and understand your own divinity and experience mystical union with all that is! Answer: The question of whether God created life on other planets is certainly fascinating. At the fundamental level everything is energy, mass is just condensed energy, and we know from quantum physics all energy in the universe and in existence is interconnected. Answer: Prior to the twentieth century, before the Big Bang theory had been developed, philosophers and scientists debated whether the universe had a beginning. By combining the general revelation of science with the special revelation of the Bible, we should be rewarded with a greater understanding of the nature of our Creator and His intentions for mankind. This way of thinking can be especially important to people with ecological sensibilities, because they can combine faith in God with a love of people, animals, and the earth. God is an omnipresent (but not omnipotent) force that works against entropy. Therefore, it cannot be true that the non-eternal universe is the same as the eternal God. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. Ultimately everything in the universe is connected and influences everything else. The universe, consisting of physical matter, was not fashioned out of matter (ex materia) but by God’s commanding words (Hebrews 11:3). True joy is always experienced in the moment. Remember God can’t create outside itself because God IS everything and always has been, and always will be. Historically, for versions of this theory where God has ceased to exist or to act as a separate and conscious entity, some have used the term pandeism, which combines aspects of pantheism and deism, to refer to such a theology. God is a living and breathing organism in that all the endless amount of energy that makes up the Universe goes through never ending cycles of transformation of energy from the least dense concentrations of energy such as all forms of radiation (light and all forms of cosmic radiation) via all the elements of the periodic table to the most dense concentrations of energy such as "Black Holes" and … And then it would be as if nothing existed. The universe had a start - what caused it? The entire universe with all its components is like a giant container, and God is the content. If God is the Creator of the universe, and the Bible is revelation directly from God, then accurate observation of the universe will ultimately prove to be consistent with His revelation. Explanation:  The necessary and sufficient conditions mean that in order for something to occur, the cause has to have both the necessary and sufficient conditions to bring about that cause. While the God of the Bible certainly has power to shape the spiritual forces in our lives, he also reveals himself in a distinctly unique way. The ancients mythologies were archetypal representations of man’s journey through life which contained various aspects of the divine. Astounding. Whether universe or multiverse, God is the Creator When some atheists argue that the multiverse weakens the case for God’s existence, they overstep what science itself can claim. Einstein famously criticized the indeterminacy of quantum theory by saying, God “does not play dice” with the universe. Everything in the universe appears in dualities. In fact, I sense that God is what makes any order possible in the universe. God’s parts include all of the objects, their relations, and their rules for interaction. The point and purpose of the universe is so that God could experience Itself and come to know Itself through creating within Itself. It is only through time and the corruption of men that they have lost their original meaning and interpretation. Therefore, it cannot be true that an impersonal cause brought God into existence. This energy is God stuff. The Bible indicatesthat the earth isround. AMEN!! Proposition: God and the universe are one and the same. This would mean that to live in the universe would mean to live inside of God. Is total determination by God consistent with the view of God as being totally good? Among many other biblical and theological words, 5 stand out. But since there is usable energy in the universe, the universe is not infinitely old. Science provides no answer as … If the universe were infinitely old, then an infinite amount of time must have occurred in order to get to “now”. Michio Kaku: ‘The universe in some sense is like a chess game and for 2,000 years we’ve been trying to figure out how the pawns move.’ Photograph: Vladimir Smirnov/Tass via … Everything influences everything else at the quantum level. The cause of God is either personal or not personal. The possibility of the existence of everything proceeds the existence of everything. Christians acknowledge the power of the spiritual realm, but see something else at work. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself. You are God, nothing exists outside of you, you are everything. This Is My Body. It may defy logic, it may not make any sense whatsoever but you know that the Universe (or God) has given you the intuitive discernment to just know what a certain course of action to take is.. In order for there to be even such a thing as ‘pleasure’ its polar opposite ‘pain’ must also exist and be experiential. Without it, it would be as if nothing existed. Without God there is no adequate explanation of how the universe was created or to explain our purpose in life . The past and the future in the mind are not places of true joy. With his return in Wonder Woman #770 by Michael W. Conrad, Becky Cloonan, Travis Moore, Tamra Bonvillain and Pat Brosseau, we're taking a look back at DC's version of the God … Hosted by He is not bound or limited by the dictates of his created beings. Something very difficult to comprehend. Unlike God, the Universe (or Its Parts) Could Easily Not Have Existed. An example would be a boulder on the ground, with a small rock next to it, a lever wedged under the boulder and on top of the small rock, with a weight on the end of the lever. We would then be back at point 6 which would mean that a personal being brought God into existence. Meaning is something that exists only temporarily in time. If the universe is indeed God’s creation, then it seems logical that it would be created in a way that reflects his magnitude. Is this the God science is searching for? It had a beginning. Will anyone care, will you care? Whether it is the universe, God, or some other “Absolute” or “Ultimate,” many brilliant minds holding diverse philosophical views have considered an eternal, self-existent entity to be quite coherent. Yet you are not finished. "Critical" assertions— assertions that followed from the denial of revelation as a valid source of religious knowledge— were much more numerous. This understanding of the universe as God is not new. This would mean that there can be no distinguishing between God and the universe since both are the same thing. 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