i can't forgive myself for hurting my ex

Last night I watched a porn video. We all get laughed at and made fun of at times. I can never tell my partner the whole truth bc it would f*** everything up. What has your experience been with grief and forgiveness? A sister and a GF. God’s thoughts toward you are wonderful, and He has great plans for your life! If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this website please send us a message. I have always depended on “the system” i just havent been able to feel accepted by others in the work place, my self loathing has all but destroyed me. I just confuse with where I am and why I’m even typing out this crap. Yea if we didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have to go through life. I don’t consider it to be cheating, but as our relationship gets more and more serious, it’s starting to feel like it. In the past I’ve turned to drugs to just forget. Perhaps he didn’t quite tell you the truth before? Forgiveness happens on so many levels, love, friendships and even in the workforce – all places where we forgive one another for different reasons. Im thinking of you and sending my love to you. I sure hope I can forgive myself, I’m sure gonna try. I am just stuck in a rut and can’t get this out of my mind. We did it in the heat of the moment. I felt so miserable after calling him, texting him after the break up.. I just never wanted to see him again, but I visited him after a while. I feel waves of shame about some of the things I did when I was younger. Thriveworks is currently working towards complete Accessibility of this website. I lied. We need to know it was a stupid mistake and let go of it. I actually hated being alive when I was between the ages of 13 to 18. P.S. Problem now is that I am having so much trouble letting go of my shame for watching the video before telling my boyfriend, instead of resolving to tell him the next day and then seeing if I still felt like watching it after telling him. For things we did, for things we didn’t do, things we knew or didn’t know, decisions we made or didn’t make, things we said or didn’t say. I’m 23 I wish I can change my past but I can’t and I want to live in the present not just thinking about everything and end up being worse. Thank you for allowing me to get this off my chest. A higher level of respect, gratefulness and inferiority was demanded at all times! I’ve stabbed my best friend from 3rd grade in the back by sleeping with her boyfriend. Those “nasty” moments came after trying so hard to nicely coax her to do what she needed to do but nevertheless they came and my heart aches. But that isn’t the point. Grieving fiance  December 18, 2018 at 3:45 pm Reply. This may be not helpful to you —or hopefully not more damaging to you. I didn’t want to because for one I didn’t want to hurt my mom and I knew she would be extremely hurt. Until recently. People keep quiet about there problems or try to play it off, but we have all done wrong. My relationship is triggering panic attacks and depressive thoughts—What do I do? Even I know I can't just forget the moments and these daily calls but for me. I am not remembering anything but my friend said that i had kissed three guys and also had tried to kiss two others. Can you forgive yourself NOW seeing me in pain? How can I be better?? 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Counseling News, Happiness, Marriage | GOD Bless You. I always end up with narcissists. He is dead. Talking about how guilty you feel can provide a much needed release. I was brainwashed. I feel like I deserve to be punished and I can’t see anyone ever changing the way I do feel about myself. “Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold … but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18, 19). I have to let my guard down. Home » Counseling News » Happiness » How to Forgive Yourself: Letting Go of Past Regrets. Im done for tonight. But I hope my sadness and misery will end. I am sorry you are having to witness my … I want to forgive myself and allow us to move on, but I can’t. I learned how to forgive myself a long long time ago! Her passing so soon left me so confused! i know its 5 years later but your words still carry and let me know/remind me not only am i not alone but there are millions that feel the same(so we are normal and are good people and we still deserve life, I said some pretty outta pocket stuff about this person to my friend and the person overheard but pretended like they didn’t and I never got to apologize because I never got a chance to see them again. We live chained to our past, holding on to hurts and grudges. I shame myself so much, I can’t take it anymore. Poor Anne. To avoid lying, the first step is making good habits. I apologised to the guys and they said it’s fine (they understand that i was too drunk, but that doesn’t justify my actions). It means you make decisions about what to let go of and what to hold on to. The waves of guilt come mainly at night. I want to let it go so badly but it literally happened last night and I’m breaking apart. God Bless! Do I stay loyal to a girl that doesn’t want to date me yet and wants me to be loyal or should I just tell a white lie, sleep with the other girl and just play it off like it never happen. Her and I would stay out late partying till the sun came up drinking, smoking, doing drugs. Sitting with them. I want to get back with my ex and we both have partners still we can't forget each other and it's hurting us a lot and we love each other strongly what should we do? I use to love being out and about around people, now I isolate myself at home with only my close family. I am gonna have to take that as a lesson and learn and do better. It’s not a superficial change; it’s a real change. Healthy expectations are achievable and fulfilling, not draining and overwhelming. Hope this helps. All I can say is I was stressed, overwhelmed, had my own health issues, that I didn’t do what I should hv done at all. But I can’t. Now the ‘someone’ is saying that I told people I was going to do something else intimate to her, even though that’s not at all true. I can’t stop thinking about people who witnessed it(maybe they think i am a slut and people will start talking). If someone wants something I can not offer, then I would have to leave them. Now he is dead. I read your letter and I hear your feeling defeat, I am now 70, Once, I was 26, To start, I want to se?tell you that time truly doers heal…if we allow that. Hi. I abandoned several people. those who feel guilt, rather than shame, are less likely to make the same mistakes. It’s choosing to stop hating yourself and cutting yourself down, but instead, seeing yourself as a valuable human being. Be proud of them all knowing you consciously CHOOSE them on purpose! I just want him to know that I never watched it with the intention to want anyone except him. She won’t forgive me. I won’t rehash all the guilt posts I just linked to here, but I will say this: after someone dies we feel guilty for so many reasons. We post a new article to What’s Your Grief about once a week. When we got back together, he told me he had not been with other people and wanted me to tell him everything that I had done. I just wanted to show them a good day, they LOVED walks and adventures but I feel like I pushed them and killed them. She kind of stopped staying the night. I never saw him fully conscious again but he got to be held and kissed and apologised to the whole drive home and got to lay in his spot at home a few minutes before he passed as well. I know I shouldn’t have lied to him, because I just hurt him more by lying that whole time. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Thriveworks, 872 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA, 02139, US, http://thriveworks.com. I cried so much because i broke my moms heart and I can’t believe that. I am so sorry for your pain Jessica. I lied to friends, Family and my online Family. How do I do that for myself? If you find yourself never being able to measure up—no matter how hard you try—you may just need to change a few things in your approach to life. I had such potential and I’ve thrown it all away. But I am progressing wonderfully and am working so hard to overcome what has set me back for so long. Like our friendship wasnt how it used to be. I’m firm in that. Everyday I am pained with guilt that I should have gone to my mum that other evening. Then a year passed after he told me about the suicide then he started ignoring I asked if I did something wrong then he told he’s bored of talking to people then I thought I was boring him so we stopped but I always checked he’s online status after a month he stopped getting online then I called on his phone he’s father picked up and told me he killed himself and I just cant stop blaming my self, My mom passed away 3years ago. I just have to accept it for what it is, and move on. I don’t want her to hurt like this. Forgive yourself. Lost jobs.. failure after failure. Realizing that guilt​—real or imagined—​is a normal grief reaction can be helpful in itself. How do I forgive myself for something I did almost a year ago and learn to heal? Just a false reality haha! Let it go and God Bless! Death is all am waiting for now it’s the only thing good about this life, I’m really depressed I started my life with different lies just to fit in coming from an average I lied about my self to people. I would never cheat on him. Down the line you’ll be told HE is the only man who will ever want you! I didn’t want her to look at me differently. I knew I shouldnt have done this but I told her so she ended up blurting it out to the group of people and when my friend came back she was embarrassed cause everyone knew and I blamed her sister for it. I honestly don’t care though. She asked me if I was having sex. I am 18 now, and I just feel like I have self destructed,I have did alot of things I regret and should’ve done differently..I’m always depressed over my past it just won’t stop, If only I were 18 again. I have tried to let it go and forgive myself for my actions but in the end when stress hits and anxiety is running rampant in my soul it comes back to me. I’ve been wanting to change as a person. It was a solid 6 months ago, you don’t commit all 0ur articles to memory. I loved my father and was willing to care until I decided I will not. Similar to the quote, “death is waiting for those who wait”. And the friendship just kept stringing along until I kind of gave up cause it felt like she didnt care. I want to be free, I wants to let go but not give up on this current break up the with who im still in love with wont take me back due to my bad behavior of tell small white lies never cheated never physically hurt her. I try and focus on the future and on making sure I am the best possible partner I can be moving forward. I feel really guilty about the way I was, the things I’ve said to people in the past (when I was angry), and for hurting my parents. He said call a taxi & we did. I talked s* behind an old friends back. Are they healthy? And to PR who responded below: – you didn’t have a crystal ball to know that your marriage or your job were not going to be life lasting !!! Be honest about how you’ve messed up and the consequences of your behavior. And I’m a changed man now. I didn’t tell my mom but I told my sister. But as the memo above says, you need to forgive yourself first and let the past move on. Please tell me!! I love him. Its a tremendous burden for you to carry this pain. I to am 26 years of age and feel that I’m constantly messing up. I have to do everything I can to make this right no matter what. | When my Mum was in hospital and we had the news that she had a short time to live as she had cancer that evening it still haunts me that when it was time for us to leave that she looked straight at me as if she wanted me to go over to her I did not pick up on this at the time and the day after she was transferred to hospice and never opened her eyes again . My children have failed to thrive and abused drugs. Although I am hurt by what she said, I forgive her because she struggles with her own pain. I have spent my whole life helping others as a nurse,plus volunteering and helping homeless. You probably should have tried to get a closer relationship with her. I told her I had sex and it turned into both of us crying and her telling me that she had more expectations for me than that. I could definitely be more forgiving in certain circumstances, like this one. Apr 9, 2015 | Letting go of the past means burying it and giving up your right to engage in self-condemnation. We tend to hurt the ones we love – not purposefully, but we do. I know it was a desire that a scared inner child was feeling, but I, as a functioning adult, indulged. It is what we do AFTER our mistakes that matter. I see a lifetime with him. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. You may not know who I am, But I Love you because you are a Human, a child of God and a person who wants to leave this world without leaving lives in sorrow. Just because I was mad because it felt like she gave up on our friendship so easily. I’m not saying I was innocent either. believe in the future and in the unknown? Today, we’re going to talk about 11 reasons why your ex won’t talk to you anymore. I don’t wanna be the person I’ve been for almost 10 years now.. Hey Lucy A, We tend to get tempted for things so bizzare. My youngest, only 18 months, was seemingly fine so I got him shade and water and left him with a Samaritan while we wrapped her up in her seat cover and kissed her good bye. Maybe you were set up to feel isolated and lonely on purpose so you could be told you must feel lonely? I have been asking for forgiveness. Your intentions of telling her the truth just tells me that u think of her highly. Pray and ask God to forgiveyouEncourage other plover ones and friends to do the same. These are the worst things that I have ever done. I told her that I looked up to her and hold her up on a high pedestal. But, the dreams are a Bitxh… So I’m fixing to get my azz up, and go to the gym. I need help on what to do. You can also find a list of other helpful resources here, such as the Crisis Text Line, National Domestic Violence Hotline, and more. Remember when I wrote a post on grief and forgiveness and I promised I would follow it up with a second post on grief and self-forgiveness? Just a guy. But again at the time you truly couldn’t help it because you would have done things differently with what you know now. Sometimes the pain feels so deep that we can’t imagine how we can ever forgive. Laurie  August 12, 2017 at 12:38 pm Reply. a journal prompt to help you out with loving your regret. You can also visit their website at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org. I wish there was an antidote. I lost a friend who I hurt with lies and what they saw as Manipulation and pathological lying. All rights reserved. I want to know what really was happened to you. “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3). Be optimistic, we are lucky to be here honestly. It’s been very difficult over the past few years coming to accept that she is no longer here. I guess I just wanted someone to do bad things with. Most certainly not. Addiction is cunning, and baffling. You are loved. I also had a fake ig account to find out who this one girl was dating, didn’t work out. I told her no which once again was a lie. The video is faceless. These days I have been feeling the live isn’t for me because I see how everybody go about their live feeling grateful and being confident but all I do is talk about my problems. If you let me redeem myself… I’ll show you the heavens on Earth. And this girls bf kept flirting with me and we were friend’s, but I talked abt boys with him so he’d get the hint. I never wanted to hv him in anyway hang on where he suffered. I can’t write to my loved one, my sister passed away on May 21, 2016. Either way, we often have people telling us not to feel guilty, which of course isn’t helpful at all. Be transparent before GOD 1st and foremost. I felt so guilty and didn’t want to tell and hurt him. I’m just so sickened by my actions and the regret overwhelms me. Mine was about four years ago and I live with it everyday. Personally, I feel that we never forget about mother, once she is gone. I know you feel that some neglect on your part contributed to your loved one’s death. I will tell you. I made up that I had my life together. You will hurt people sometimes. And one persons flaw is another persons best quality. Forgiveness (of myself, or others) is not my strong point. Why does her death still makes me feel so guilty ? I’m attaching the link below and I hope it is a blessing to someone out there who is struggling with forgiveness as well. She told me not to tell anybody not even her sister because she has a “loud mouth”(she was with us at the party). I have had a good life. I eventually “killed off” the fiancé with cancer..and I don’t understand why I lied to the point it got too. In addition people report improvements in appetite, sleep patterns, energy and general well being.”[2]. Word got out and she got mad and texted me very angrily. i try to forgive myself thinking he would want me to be happy. I am 63 and still feel guilt after my Mum died as a 12 year old. I even stole some weed from her before too and then smoked it with her. I’ve put myself in unsafe situations as well. I don’t think I would be brave enough to do it with my boyfriend yet and I think it would be really gratifying for both of us if I could let go of my shame towards it. I know I’ll enjoy it. And you dont even know. Forgiveness starts with being honest and vulnerable about who you are…the good and the bad. Hobbies, and everything. You can do ANYTHING! I think we need to forgive ourselves. I feel guilty of being with him even though I didn’t love him and leading him on. He’s the best I’ve ever had. As an imperfect person, you will make mistakes in life. I had really bad intentions towards people that were really close to me, they really liked me but as time passed those intentions started to create questionable behavior from me, I disrespected several people that had never done any bad to me, I was becoming the very thing that I had always feared and even thought some may not know that I was shady and sneaky around them, I feel deeply bad and I regret it all, in my heart, I really feel terrible, looking back, and now, my life is so different, I value everything now, I want to forgive myself and I hope this confession helps, I am sorry to everyone out there whose’s path I crossed and left a bad taste, I hope you too can forgive me, as I today attempt to forgive myself, thank you. I feel without knowing you that you must be a good, loving person and don’t deserve the pain you feel right now. Most of the time it seemed like she was hiding something as well. I had a old friend and we used to party a lot. The guilt is literally eating my soul. But with that I feel like scum and I have been thinking negatively again and I now wish I could fix things but I still want to lose it. I’m no longer angry. Finally she did and they took xrays which were clean. Party a lot of medical issues and made fun of at times better. You arnt seeing all the good things I ’ m here if you ever reached out and about people... Be here honestly forgive report significantly fewer symptoms of stress such as backache, muscle tension dizziness. Can you forgive yourself first and let the past and moving on with your life old habits baby steps start. Can heal from this awful pain you are subconsciously asked to compete and doubt your motives were not my. Have you ever reached out and she asked me where she went!!!!. You arnt seeing all the good in me could crumble so fast things many years, 15,... Was doing drugs argued on the intro posts and feeling helpless and powerless a blind man who will want. 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